Thursday, April 10, 2008

On my way

Well, its been a long time since I've posted an update on my progress.

Here are the basics:

-I now have a fundraising total of $5090 (Thank you again to everyone!)

-I continue to train regularly (At least 1 hr of riding a day + 200 crunches)

I return home from the University of Michigan on the 1st of May, after a road-trip to visit college friends and a Red Sox baseball game. Once home I plan to ride outside every day in preparation for my departure around the 10th of June to San Franscisco.

The routes have been confirmed and I will be traveling through the south during my ride. I can only hope that I will survive Texas in July.

Attached is a picture of my bike on a Trainer (the way I ride in my room).

Thanks again to all my donors!